A Measured Man

It’s October 22, 2018 and I’m fully focused into this badboy, wondering if I’m ready for the challenges that lie ahead. Payne pack it up! You’re going home.

I thought I would excited, nerves uncontrollable, in fact I was surprisingly calm. Partially because I had finally found peace serving my time, but more importantly because I had been vigorously chasing God despite the trying circumstances.

“”The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of convenience and comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”- Dr. MLK JR. Boy was this read a challenge. Never in my life had I been such exposed to the many ways I was living disaligned with my spirit. Each chapter raised new awareness on the inner work I still needed to do.

I wasn’t finished with this gem and finding a good read behind the wall was a journey. So I decided to bring this with me. More importantly, along came it’s teachings. I still fims myself questioning who I am amongst life’s challenges at times and find the only true source to turn for answers…is God.

Broskis, I know it isn’t always easy to chase God in a world that deems emotional intelligence and tenderness as weak. But in fact I have never felt more strong in my life. If you ever find yourself feeling lost or like the weight of the world is holding you down, I highly encourage you to pick up a copy of this book. I’ve struggled with lack of confidence, irresponsibility, and instability due to emotional issues I lagged on facing. Save yourself time and heartache by seeking wisdom. God is all.

More Peace, positivity and prosperity to you! 

Author: Marquise J Payne

Mindset Mentor Writer. Messenger. Inspirer. Expanding minds, lifting spirits " Street philosophy" "Not your average self-help guru" -Mental Stress Relief -Power of Positive Thinking -Integration -Isolation Healing

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